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- Simple Health Tips to Overcome Diabetes Before It’s Too Late
Simple Health Tips to Overcome Diabetes Before It’s Too Late

Are You a Pre-diabetic?
A person who is pre-diabetic would have higher than normal blood sugar levels but not high enough to be considered diabetic. If left uncontrolled, the blood sugar levels of a pre-diabetic might increase and develop into diabetes.
If you have a glucose meter and your blood sugar levels are >5.6mmol/L (Fasting for 8 hours), or >7.8mmol/L (2 hours after a meal), the following diagnostic tests can determine if you are pre-diabetic or diabetic.
🚩Find your nearest CARiNG Pharmacy for an instant HbA1c test.
Health Tips To Prevent Conversion of Pre-diabetes to Type-II Diabetes
It can be scary to find out that you are a pre-diabetic, but do not be demotivated. The following tips are proven to control your blood sugar levels, thus preventing the conversion of a pre-diabetic state to a diabetic state:
Tip 1: Lose weight. Target a reduction of at least 7% from the original weight
Example: A person with body weight 85kg should lose weight to 79kg.
Tip 2: Exercise More. Perform physical activity for at least 150 minutes a week
Examples: Fast walking, cycling, gardening, moderate housework, dancing, badminton, low impact aerobic
Tip 3: Eat Healthy. Choose low-calorie, low-fat diets. Increase your intake of dietary fibre, whole grains, legumes, nuts, fruits and vegetables. Minimise intake of processed food.
Eat Healthy Example 1:
Follow the Malaysian Healthy Plate Model with plenty of vegetables and fruits and control portion size of meals.
Eat Healthy Example 2:
You should avoid taking high glycemic index (GI) food, but to take low GI food.
Self-Monitoring of Blood Glucose (SMBG) in Pre-diabetes Between Meals
- SMBG is an approach whereby people with pre-diabetes and diabetes can measure their blood sugar themselves using a glucose meter.
- Based on the reading, you can check whether the current diet plan would help you to have a better control on blood sugar.
- Target a blood sugar level of <5.6mmol/L (Fasting for 8 hours/Pre Meal), or <7.8mmol/L (2 hours after a starting mea/Post Meall)
- An effective method is to closely monitor the blood sugar level difference between pre meal & post meal. Try to keep the difference of less than 2.8 mmol/L.2 See an example below.
- With this method, you will know what you can eat and what you shouldn’t.
Special Features of One-Touch Devices
- Fear of finger pricking prevents many people from regularly monitoring their blood glucose levels. New and improved lancing devices, such as the OneTouch Delica, alleviate this risk.
- The Advanced Glide Control System on the OneTouch Delica accurately directs the lancet in a quick, straight motion for a smooth and steady lancing experience.
- Blood glucose meters such as OneTouch Select Simple and OneTouch Ultra Plus Flex also help to make tracking your blood sugar easier and faster with high accuracy.
- OneTouch Ultra Plus Flex meter requires only 2 -step testing, has higher accuracy and has ColorSureTM technology, which helps us detect whether you’re in or out of range.
One Touch New User Program – Purchase 2 boxes of One Touch Ultra Plus Strip 25’s at any CARiNG Pharmacy and get an One Touch Ultra Plus Flex meter for FREE!
*Valid until 31 July 2021. While stocks last.
Visit any CARiNG Pharmacy store for more information.
- Management of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (6th Edition). Ministry of Health Malaysia. (2020). Clinical Practice Guidelines.
- Postprandial glycemia: a plea for the frequent use of delta postprandial glycaemia in the treatment of diabetic patients. G Salma, F Elgrably, E Larger, et al. (2005) Diabetes Department, Hotel Dieu Hospital, Paris, France.
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